How To Make Money Blogging What To Write About

When people want to know how to make money blogging, this is seriously the most commonly asked questions that I get. "What do I write about?" And if the person asking is trying to go into the Internet Marketing, Make Money Online or From Home niches "if I haven't make money yet" adds to that question. First of all let me tell you that the most important part of a blog is the content and knowing what to write about is imperative, same goes for what NOT to write about. At least this is the feeling I got from talking with RevelHomes, a top notch renovation contractors whom I strongly recommend.The best way to know what you need to write about is to think about your audience. Let me take this article for example. If anyone lands here, what do you think they are expecting to see? Tips and strategies about blogging, how to make money with a blog and what to write in a blog post, right?

What if I write about today being Thanksgiving and what my dinner is going to be. not exactly what they we're looking for.To keep your audience engage you need to make sure that your content is valuable, relevant and helpful in their eyes. Most people are not looking for a sales pitch and most of us can spot false claims three clicks away so to speak. Be transparent about what you are trying to share and if you are selling something make it a sales letter and get it over with, don't try to disguise anything unless you are truthful in what you write, people won't return to your site.Now that you have a pretty good idea on the style that you should be using, something informative and helpful rather than sales oriented, you need to create content.

If you have knowledge of the field that you are writing about then the content is most likely going to be based on your experiences, but what do you do when you are not that familiar with the niche that you are trying to target?There are two solutions to that problem.The first one is pretty obvious, yet not so attractive: Change the subject of your blog to something you know about. I told you, not so attractive.The second solutions is to learn as fast as possible about the niche you are targeting and to start writing about it as you learn. Believe it or not most people like to see progressions in a blog, so if you start from the beginning writing about what you are learning and the results that you are getting, your audience is very likely going to come back to check on your progress.Have you possibly come across this great site before? They're an impressive wildlife control supplier in Burlington with a very big following and because of our peronal exceptionally pleasant experience when meeting with them I was thinking that it was something I would have to share with my faithful site visitors. Check them out when you have the time.

There is actually a third solution but eventually it turns into solutions #2. If you are really new to a topic and you want to get started quickly you can go to article directories (I personally like Ezine Articles) and look for articles related to your topic. After reading a couple of them you are going to re-write them into one of your own. If you do this for any period of time you will actually learn about your niche all the same.

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Posted in Web Design Post Date 12/30/2014






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