Write SEO Optimized Content

Google has been in the business of delivering the highest value results in the fastest possible time. For example: If you search for average size of a tiger, Google is not going to give you content related to the size of a monkey. Google will find the best content through it's algorithm and display the results in sequence from 1 to infinity. One being the best result. Now what do we need to do to get that number 1 spot in the search results for our keyword. I'll explain how to write SEO optimized content.

How To Write SEO Optimized Content

It is really easy to submit your new website, post or article to the search engines. Just copy your website sitemap URL and submit it to the search engines. Before we do that we want to make sure our content is fully SEO optimized before we do. We will want to optimize our new content just as we have with our website. Below I will go over some tips on how to write SEO optimized web content mainly focusing on WordPress.

Post Title And SEO Title

We have our Post Title showing in the first box and our SEO Title showing in the second box. The Post Title is the title that will show on your website above the post description or in the header. The Title is what we want Google to use as our title and description in the search results also known as our snippet. The title sometimes might be different than the Post Title since the Title is limited to 60 characters. In this case we will have to shorten our Title headline. We do what is necessary to write SEO optimized content.

SEO Keywords And Description

Now that we have our Post Title and SEO Title we then move onto the description and keywords. The SEO Tilte and description in this section will be used for our snippet in the Google search results. This is all part of how to write SEO optimized content before we even actually write the content. May think you can just write a post and hit submit. That will not cut it. Optimization plays a vital part in getting our content on the first page of Google for our keyword. Submitting our content to our social networks is great but organic traffic is far valuable. The description box is what the Google user will see on the results page. This needs to be a short description of what are content is about. The more descriptive the better. This is limited to 160 characters so we have to make it descriptive and enticing. I suggest putting our keyword in the description box only once and usually in the beginning of the description. Before we just cram a bunch of keywords in the keyword box. Let's not overdue it. We want to put about 3 keywords in the box. Our main keyword and at least 2 LSI Keywords. No more than 5. Find out what LSI Keywords here.

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The Post Permalink

The permalink is the URL we create to our post. This is a crucial part on how to write SEO optimized content. Just like the Post Title, SEo Title and description we have to keep the Post Permalink relevant to our content. In this example we left out the words A, guide, to, an and in. The reason we did this is to help Google. These words are stop words and Google skips over them as they don't want to fill their database up with STOP words. That is why we write SEO optimized content. This helps our post load faster which does have it's part in SEO. * With this said do not go and change your already pages as the URl is already indexed and if you change it Google will now have a 404 error to your site. We don't want these.

Interlinking Within Our Post

Linking within our post is crucial. Have you ever heard of a website having a high bounce rate. A high bounce rate tells us that our readers are not navigating anywhere else on our site. We don't want our readers to leave so we must write SEO optimized content to keep them reading and on our site. We need to have a link within our post linked to older post on our website. This keeps the reader engaged and on our site keeping bounce rate lower. Google does recognize a website with high bounce rates and has it's part in ranking. We also want to link out at least once from our post to a relative high authority site. This let's Google know that we are not greedy. I recommended this strategy for Good Shepherd DET and so far their rankings have been quite impressive.

Optimizing Images

Optimizing your images is just as relevant to optimizing your content. I won't go to much into this as it is pretty much common sense. Main key here it to put our keyword in the Alternative Text box. Since Google can not actually see an image to tell what it is we do it for them. Insert your keyword in the Alternative Text box and give it a Title. You can also link that image to wherever you want. This can be to an older post or another relevant high authority website. We must write SEO optimized content for our images just like our post content.


This article focuses on your keywords. When Google sends out it's army of Google Bots to crawl your new post we want those Google Bots to go back to the headquarters and report a detailed report on the keywords it found. If someone searches for the average size of a tiger and our content is SEO optimized for "Average Size of a Tiger" We have taken advantage of keyword optimization thus giving us a better chance to rank higher for our keyword.

One more tip for you. If you look at the Bold and Italicized words in this post what do you notice? Google gives special attention to text that is different in the content. The Google Bots think that the writer thinks these keywords are the most relevant to the content. Completing all the steps above will give you an advantage to gaining top page rankings. Remember to not over due it. Cramming your content with your keyword will only come off as SPAM and you will not last.

Post Sources

http://dawnofanewday.ca - Utilize people all the time.
http://wellingtonfestivals.ca - A good site.
https://vancouverwestyrentals.com/ - Thanks a lot for the late-night efforts Bryson 🙂

Posted in Web Design Post Date 01/29/2015






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